
Did you know var π = Math.PI; is syntactically valid JavaScript code in vRealize Orchestrator? If the answer is “No” then probably this article maybe of some interest to you.

Let’s see what all Unicode glyphs are allowed in as JavaScript variable names, or identifiers as the ECMAScript specification calls them. This is more of a fun activity but can give you some insight on selecting the best (or may I say worst LOL! – will talk about this later) variable name in your vRO scripts.

Reserved words

The ECMAScript 5.1 spec says:

An Identifier is an IdentifierName that is not a ReservedWord.

The spec describes four groups of reserved words: keywords, future reserved words, null literals and boolean literals.

Keywords are tokens that have special meaning in JavaScript:

break, case, catch, continue, debugger, default, delete, do, else, finally, for, function, if, in, instanceof, new, return, switch, this, throw, try, typeof, var, void, while, and with.

Future reserved words are tokens that may become keywords in a future revision of ECMAScript:  classconstenumexportextendsimport, and super. Some future reserved words only apply in strict mode: implementsinterfaceletpackageprivateprotectedpublicstatic, and yield.

The null literal is, simply, null.

There are two boolean literalstrue and false. None of the above are allowed as variable names.

Non-reserved words that act like reserved words

The NaNInfinity, and undefined properties of the global object are immutable or read-only properties in ES5.1. So even though var NaN = 42; in the global scope wouldn’t throw an error, it wouldn’t actually do anything. To avoid confusion, I’d suggest avoiding the use of these variable names.

// In the global scope:
var NaN = 42;
console.log(NaN); // NaN// 

…but elsewhere:
(function() {	
var NaN = 42;	
console.log(NaN); // 42

In strict mode, eval and arguments are disallowed as variable names too. (They kind of act like keywords in that case.) The old ES3 spec defines some reserved words that aren’t reserved words in ES5 anymore: 

int, byte, char, goto, long, final, float, short, double, native, throws, boolean, abstract, volatile, transient, and synchronized. 

It’s probably a good idea to avoid these as well, for optimal backwards compatibility.

Valid identifier names

As mentioned before, the spec differentiates between identifier names and identifiers. Identifiers form a subset of identifier names, since identifiers have the extra restriction that no reserved words are allowed. For example, var is a valid identifier name, but it’s an invalid identifier.

So, what is allowed in an identifier name?

An identifier must start with $_, or any character in the Unicode categories “Uppercase letter (Lu)”“Lowercase letter (Ll)”“Titlecase letter (Lt)”“Modifier letter (Lm)”“Other letter (Lo)”, or “Letter number (Nl)”.

Unicode escape sequences are also permitted in an IdentifierName, where they contribute a single character. […] A UnicodeEscapeSequence cannot be used to put a character into an IdentifierName that would otherwise be illegal.

This means that you can use var \u0061 and var a interchangeably. Similarly, since var 1 is invalid, so is var \u0031.

Two IdentifierNames that are canonically equivalent according to the Unicode standard are not equal unless they are represented by the exact same sequence of code units.

So, ma\u00F1ana and man\u0303ana are two different variable names, even though they’re equivalent after Unicode normalization.

Examples inside vRO

The following are all examples of valid JavaScript variable names that will work in vRO


// How convenient!
var π = Math.PI;
System.log("Value of PI: "+π);

// Sometimes, you just have to use the Bad Parts of JavaScript:
var ಠ_ಠ = "Angry";

// Code, Y U NO WORK?!
var ლ_ಠ益ಠ_ლ = 42;
System.log(ლ_ಠ益ಠ_ლ );

// Obfuscate boring variable names for great justice
var \u006C\u006F\u006C\u0077\u0061\u0074 = 'heh';

// Did you know about the [.] syntax?
var= 1;
System.log([1, 2, 3][ᱹ] === 2);

// While perfectly valid, this doesn’t work in most browsers:
var foo\u200Cbar = 42;

// This is *not* a bitwise left shift (`<<`):
var 〱〱 = 2;
System.log(〱〱 << 〱〱); // This is though

// Fun with Roman numerals
var  = 4;
var  = 5;
System.log( + ); // 9

// OK, it's gone too far now

var Hͫ̆̒̐ͣ̊̄ͯ͗͏̵̗̻̰̠̬͝ͅE̴̷̬͎̱̘͇͍̾ͦ͊͒͊̓̓̐_̫̠̱̩̭̤͈̑̎̋ͮͩ̒͑̾͋͘Ç̳͕̯̭̱̲̣̠̜͋̍O̴̦̗̯̹̼ͭ̐ͨ̊̈͘͠M̶̝̠̭̭̤̻͓͑̓̊ͣͤ̎͟͠E̢̞̮̹͍̞̳̣ͣͪ͐̈T̡̯̳̭̜̠͕͌̈́̽̿ͤ̿̅̑Ḧ̱̱̺̰̳̹̘̰́̏ͪ̂̽͂̀͠ = 'Zalgo';

System.log("Hͫ̆̒̐ͣ̊̄ͯ͗͏̵̗̻̰̠̬͝ͅE̴̷̬͎̱̘͇͍̾ͦ͊͒͊̓̓̐_̫̠̱̩̭̤͈̑̎̋ͮͩ̒͑̾͋͘Ç̳͕̯̭̱̲̣̠̜͋̍O̴̦̗̯̹̼ͭ̐ͨ̊̈͘͠M̶̝̠̭̭̤̻͓͑̓̊ͣͤ̎͟͠E̢̞̮̹͍̞̳̣ͣͪ͐̈T̡̯̳̭̜̠͕͌̈́̽̿ͤ̿̅̑Ḧ̱̱̺̰̳̹̘̰́̏ͪ̂̽͂̀͠ "+ Hͫ̆̒̐ͣ̊̄ͯ͗͏̵̗̻̰̠̬͝ͅE̴̷̬͎̱̘͇͍̾ͦ͊͒͊̓̓̐_̫̠̱̩̭̤͈̑̎̋ͮͩ̒͑̾͋͘Ç̳͕̯̭̱̲̣̠̜͋̍O̴̦̗̯̹̼ͭ̐ͨ̊̈͘͠M̶̝̠̭̭̤̻͓͑̓̊ͣͤ̎͟͠E̢̞̮̹͍̞̳̣ͣͪ͐̈T̡̯̳̭̜̠͕̱̱̺̰̳̹̘̰͌̈́̽̿ͤ̿̅̑́̏ͪ̂̽͂̀͠);


Can you use them in between scripts?

Interestingly, we can also use this variable names not only in the scripts but also, out of them i.e. as inputs, outputs and attributes. See this action’s input:

As we see, vRO raises an alarm here saying that Parameter name can contain only letters, numbers, and the symbols "_" and "$". Parameter name cannot start or end with ".".

However, when I run this action, it runs perfectly normal.

I think it is quite amusing. If used dexterously, it could give another dimension to your code. 👽

JavaScript variable name validator

Even if you’d learn these rules by heart, it would be virtually impossible to memorize every character in the different Unicode categories that are allowed. If you were to summarize all these rules in a single ASCII-only regular expression for JavaScript, it would be 11,236 characters long.

For that reason, you can go to, a webtool and check if a given string is a valid variable name in JavaScript or not.

That’s it in this post. If you want to know more about the JavaScript implementation in vRO, check out my other posts.